Wednesday, April 28, 2010

just some thoughts

Today I studied about recognizing and following the spirit... because that's what I taught to the MTC teachers today! Just a couple thoughts...

We often wonder if it is OUR thoughts or the influence of the spirit when we have different desires. I love Moroni's words in Moroni 7. Well, actually he is talking about the teachings of his father and so we could arguably say that they could be Mormon's words... but that is besides the point. Anyway, he talks about how if something is good then it is of Christ. The spirit leads us to be more Christlike and to follow Him more perfectly... therefore, we can know that if we have a desire to do something good or Christlike, then we are following the spirit. I can remember back to when I was deciding to go on a mission. I didn't have a big "ah ha!" moment and I can remember feeling really frustrated about it... but reading from D&C 4 and thinking about my desire to be a missionary - I came to the conclusion that it was, in fact, a good desire. All good desires come from the spirit/from Christ and so I decided to go for it! I knew that Heavenly Father would stop me if I was heading in the wrong direction. Lo and behold - I am now a return missionary so we now know what He wanted me to do. I am so grateful for that.

How can we hang on to the spiritual impressions we receive? WRITE THEM DOWN. I need to start a personal revelation journal or something. The more we treasure up and use what we are given, the more we will receive!

Ok, that's enough rambling for one night. I'm going to bed early!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you said to write down personal revelation because I always feel bad when I only vagely remember spiritual experiences or revelations. I have found that actually writing down questions I have and possible answers makes it so I can't write which is not true.
